Sculptures with Stories

Each rare piece of Pecky Cypress has been carefully collected from Florida swamps and shaped by nature. 'Pecky' is uniquely characterized by smooth grooves formed by a fungus that creates cavities from within the tree. The beautiful designs are hidden until the trees fall and reveal it themselves. We only collect parts of naturally fallen trees, maintaining healthy habitats for our native wildlife.
Bring the beauty of Florida and a story piece to your space.

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  • Find the Perfect Piece

    Looking for something to suit certain dimensions or for a special project (macramé, planter, etc.)? Send us the details and we'll do our best to get you photos of more pieces. We only keep a small portion of our inventory online and would love to help you find the perfect piece!

  • Wood For Good

    We donate 5% of each sale to "Path of the Panther", a non-profit working in collaboration with the National Geographic Society, to reveal the land protection and wildlife crossings needed to save a future for wild Florida where both people and wildlife can thrive.

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  • Become a Stockist

    Want to monetize empty space in your gallery or shop, or make a statement with a "wood wall" in your restaurant or bar? We'd love to share our collection either by consignment or wholesale. Please send us your business name, location and we'll be in touch.

    Get in Touch 

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